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   We are Currently BUYING and Consigning Vintage Yellow Submarine Artwork!!!  

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All of the artwork in this collection is guaranteed 100% authentic and genuine as created by TVC for King Features Syndicate in London England during late 1967 through 1968.   This collection is being offered Exclusively and Only Here at www.BeatleBay.com!!!   Many of the pieces are very rare, extreme examples, that seldom surface for sale.  There are many examples of hand painted art cels, hand drawn art cel drawings and even examples of ultra rare original production backgrounds!  Each piece is either hand painted or hand drawn and copyright King Features Subafilms Limited, London, England UK 1968.  This project was headed up by KFS veteran Al Broadax,  who already had a long running hit TV cartoon show of The Beatles during the early years of Beatlemania simply called The Beatles

    The creation of this movie and the artwork that followed involved many steps.  We will give you a quick summary of how cels, drawings and backgrounds were created:  TVC consisted of several dozen animators along with a production team.  Heinz Edelmann was the art director and had final say of how each of the Beatles and each of the characters in the film looked and acted.  It was Heinz who created a master set of characters for each of the animators to use to create all the drawings and cels from.   The process to create a production art cel is as follows... first the animator would draw the character on a blank sheet of white paper.  These are called animation drawings.  Once the drawing on paper was finalized,  the animator would then overlay the drawing sheet with a sheet of clear acetate (or celluloid sheet) and then using a fine point black ink pen would outline the character.  The animator would also make notes along the peg hole side of the celluloid sheet which identified where in the movie this art cel was to be used.   Once the outline was finished,  the animator would then turn the celluloid sheet over and paint in the different sections in whatever colors were to be used for that character.  So a finished art cel has a character that has been created using both sides of the clear celluloid sheet;  the black outline of the character is on the front side and the painting of the colors is on the reverse side!  A very cool process!!   Once the production watercolor hand painted backgrounds were created,  these clear celluloid sheets were overlaid onto the backgrounds and then filmed.  A very tedious process compared to today's Computer Generated Imaging!  The making of an animated film using hand painted art cels with hand painted backgrounds ended in the 1980s with the invent of CGI.

    Most of these art cels and drawings were sold in stores such as Hallmark in late 1969 and during1970 in cardboard matted 16" x 20" frames which normally contained  1, 2 or 3 art cels or one drawing.   When the film was finished, all of the original artwork that wasn't wanted and kept by some of the original animators or the production team,  were all packaged for retail sale to the general public.  Whichever cels didn't overlap normally went into the cardboard matting, usually 2 sometimes 3 or more.  Adhered to the back of this frame was one of King Features Subafilms Ltd. Certificates of Authenticity (COAs).  These measured approx 6" x 8" and featured a round gold foil sticker on the bottom right side of this certificate which stated "ONE OF A KIND ORIGINAL ART From The Full Length Cartoon Feature The Beatles Yellow Submarine - A Collectors Treasure".  These certificates were printed on parchment paper and are included in some of the animation artwork in this collection.  The matted prints were then shrink-wrapped and sent out to retail stores such as Hallmark worldwide.  The rarest and most valuable cels and the largest ones and ones that take up much of the 12" x 16" palette most of these art cels use.   A typical art cel is painted onto a 12" x 16" clear sheet of acetate which almost always have one of the edges with peg holes for the animators to secure their piece down.  Many original drawings are on plain white paper sheets that range from 12" x 16" to as large as 16" x 34" and these usually have alignment peg holes too.  There are also handwritten codes along that same peg hole edge which identified the scene number and frame.  We will translate all of these codes for you in each items' description as much as possible.  Some of the easier codes are NWM for the Nowhere Man sequence; SOT for Sea Of Time; SOM for Sea Of Monsters; SOS for Sea of Science; SOG for Sea of Green.  Some are even easier as BULLDOG was for the Hey Bulldog sequences.  The rarest and most sought after Yellow Submarine artwork from the movie are the original backgrounds.  The backgrounds were usually hand painted using watercolor paint.  Some original backgrounds are simply incredible to behold!!    Items are arranged for sale by Animation Cels, Animation Drawings and Animation Backgrounds.

    They were all hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd. The movie premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the studios from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with the song All Together Now!!!

    These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand painted pictures per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in 1969!   ENJOY!

    Please Note: If there are any clients who would like to make a package deal for parts of the collection or even the entire collection as is, please contact us directly at SALES@BEATLEBAY.COM.  We will surely try to accommodate any of your offers.   Also, if you have any original 1968 Yellow Submarine production art cels, drawings or backgrounds contact us as we are currently actively buying artwork too!!!

Original 1968 Art Animation Production Cels

PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork from this collection is guaranteed to be 100% authentic and as advertised and come with a Letter of Authenticity from BeatleBay.  Keep in mind that most all of these cels and drawings are the original sizes as created for the movie in 1968.  Cels and drawings are typically done on 12.5" x 16" sheets.   ENJOY!!!

  Item YSAC002:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of  THE YELLOW SUBMARINE from the ELEANOR RIGBY SEQUENCE  from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  

This Art Cel is of an extremely large image of the Yellow Submarine from the Eleanor Rigby film sequence!   This sequence was one of the first completed by the team of animation artists at TV Cartoons.   The shape of the yellow submarine was to change slightly after this sequence was completed.  The submarine became slightly bulbous with a thicker conning tower.   Here's your chance to obtain a wonderful Art Cel of The Yellow Submarine from the first sequence completed for the film! 

This Yellow Submarine Art Cel measures approx 1.5" tall by 2.8" wide and the Art Cel itself is located on the far right side of the celluloid sheet which measures approx 9.2" tall by 12" wide.   The acetate sheet was cut down slightly from it's original size.   There are no pegholes nor animator's notations.  The Art Cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss. Overall, this Art Cel Setup is in Excellent condition at the time of this writing.    An original 1968 Certificate of Authenticity (COA) that was issued by King Subafilms, Limited can be included for a nominal price.    A Letter of Authenticity (LOA) from BeatleBay will accompany this artwork.

We guarantee this artwork is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA). ON HOLD


(click on any image to view larger)

  Item YSAC004:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of  THE HEAD BLUE MEANIE and MAX from the INITAL ATTACK SEQUENCE  from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  

This Art Cel is of an extremely large image of the Head Blue Meanie and his assistant Max from the inital attack film sequence!   Here's your chance to obtain a wonderful and very impressive Art Cel of The Head Blue Meanie from the first attack sequence in the film! 

This  Art Cel measures approx 9.5" tall by 13.5" wide and the Art Cel itself is located just left of center on the celluloid sheet which measures approx 12" tall by 16" wide.   The acetate sheet has not been cut down slightly from it's original size.   There are pegholes and animator's notations along the bottom edge which state "Att (1)     Scene (3)     CM (4)".  The Art Cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss. Overall, this Art Cel Setup is in Excellent condition at the time of this writing. The only condition issue is the upper left corner of the clear acetate sheet has a small, no-harm crease which doesn't affect the artwork or cel.   A copy of an original 1968 Certificate of Authenticity (COA) issued by King Subafilms Limited will be included.    A Letter of Authenticity (LOA) from BeatleBay will accompany this artwork guaranteeing it's authenticity for life.

We guarantee this artwork is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA). SOLD

  Item YSAC016:  The Beatles 1968 original 3 Art Animation Cels of   JOHN LENNON, PAUL McCARTNEY and GEORGE HARRISON  from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  

This lot consists of 3 separate Art Cels:  John Lennon,  Paul McCartney and George Harrison, all 3 are approx 1.1" tall and all are from the Sea of Phenology.   Each piece of artwork is located near the center on the three 12.5" by 16" celluloid sheets. The Art Cels are all in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations along the bottom edge.  The 3 sheets have the usual staple holes that you normally find in each corner. There are no tears in the acetate sheets. Overall these 4 Art Cels and acetate sheets are in Excellent condition at the time of this writing.    They are displayed on a color copy of Ringo's bedroom; please note  that Ringo and Captain Fred are part of the background and are not Art Cels.  They were left in the background image so to appear with these 3 Art Cels.   The item will ship without the black matting shown below.   The size of the background copy is approximately 17" by 13". 

We guarantee this artwork is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).     SALES PRICE $895.



Item YSAC021:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of YELLOW SUBMARINE TAIL from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains an image of the tail of the submarine from the Sea Of Monsters sequence.   This is a fairly large cel measuring over 7" tall by 4" wide.   The artwork is located in the upper right quadrant on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and a tiny bit of paint loss in the upper right area due to staple holes which are found in each corner. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "S of M   Sc4   S-38".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  We will include a color photocopy of a background scene with the 4 Beatles as shown below.  Overall a terrific and unique piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).    SALES PRICE $295.



Each 1999 piece of artwork is as described in detail in the following brochure...

Item YSAC5002:  An Official BEATLES Sericel Art Cel Animation of "THE YELLOW SUBMARINE" from 1999 !!  Offered is an original Sericel number YS03-"The Yellow Submarine" as issued in 1999 and fully licensed by King Features Subafilms Limited.   This Sericel features an enormous Yellow Submarine measuring a huge 21" long by 11" tall on a background of blue fading to white.  It was originally issued in 1999 for $525 USD as shown in the large brochure above.  The artwork has been professionally matted and measures 18" x 30".  This is a beautiful piece of artwork that would look great in anyone's den or office!   It's ready for you to pick out a new frame and to hang on your wall!   There are a quite a few dings on the existing black frame so we won't be shipping it with the frame, only with the black cloth matting, which is quite nice.  Even though it doesn't show in our pictures, this Sericel Art Cel is marked along the bottom edge: "© 1999 Subafilms Ltd.  A Yellow Submarine™ Product.  ™Trademark of Subafilms Ltd  ©1968 Authorized BEATLES Merchandise".   We guarantee this 1999 Beatles Sericel is 100% authentic as described and will be accompanied with a Letter of Authenticity (LOA) from BeatleBay.  SALES PRICE $375.



 Item YSAC022:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of  THE BLUE MEANIE  from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  

This Art Cel is of an extremely large image of The Blue Meanie from later in the film when The Beatles start playing the song SGT. PEPPERS LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND REPRISE inside Pepperland!  This is one of the very best Art Cels you could find of a Blue Meanie!   Plus it's still sealed in the original 1968 matting with COA sealed on the backside.

This Blue Meanie Art Cel measures approx 10.5" tall by over 13.5" wide and the artwork takes up most of the 12.5" by 16" celluloid sheet. The Art Cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge and the animator's handwritten notations on the sheet but you cannot see them as they are tucked behind the matte. The Blue Meanie has a menacing pose with both hands extended with claws out as he looks at Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band sing and play!   Overall, this Art Cel and acetate sheet are in Excellent  condition at the time of this writing.    The overall size of the matting is 16" by 20" and the shrinkwrap is completely intact.  In the bottom right corner is a gold sticker issued by KFS in 1968.   On the backside of the piece is an original 1968 Certificate of Authenticity (COA) that was issued by King Features Subafilms, Limited.    The last picture shown below is a still clip from the actual scene in the movie where this Art Cel was used. 


(click on any image to view larger)


Item YSAC092:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of THE HIDDEN PERSUADER from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original Art Cel of one of the rarest Blue Meanies from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains a great image of The Hidden Persuader, one of the rarer Blue Meanies created by the genius of Heinz Edelmann, the Art Director and creator of all the characters in this motion picture!  This is an original full figure Art Cel of The Hidden Persauder from the Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band scene.   When the Beatles being playing SPLHCB, the People of Pepperland begin to come back to life and Ringo then steps onto the Hidden Persauders' feet causing them to explode!   This is a beautiful Art Cel of The Hidden Persauder from that scene which measures approx 5" wide by 7.5" tall.   The artwork is located left of center on the celluloid sheet.  We have also included a snapshot of the exact scene this Art Cel was used in the movie!  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "P.L. II    Sc/29/11   5.A.X.".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  Overall a terrific and cool piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this artwork is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).   N/A


Item YSAC095:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of THE BOOB from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains an image of Jeremy Hilary Boob PhD.  from the sequence where the Boob fixes the Subs propeller and it sails off without them!   This is an original art cel of The Boob from the backsides.   It measues approx 4" wide by 3" tall.   The artwork is located left of center and towards the bottom left corner on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "Phren    Sc11   B24".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  Overall a terrific and cool piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).   N/A


  Item YSAC017:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of PAUL McCARTNEY from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  

This Art Cel is of a large full figure Paul McCartney during the Ringo House sequence in the film – Paul just playing for a crowd and just walked out to meet George, Ringo, John and Captain Fred. This is a super great image of Paul McCartney from the movie! Full figure characters, especially any Beatle, are extremely rare and highly desirable.

The Paul Art Cel measures exactly 6.2" high and the artwork is located dead center on the 12.5" by 16" celluloid sheet. The Art Cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this Art Cel was used in the movie: "R/H Sc. 30 19P". Because this collection came idirectly from one of the original artists who worked on the film, this sheet does have not the usual staple holes that you normally find. There are no tears in the acetate sheet. Overall this Art Cel and acetate sheet are in Excellent condition at the time of this writing.

Shown below is also an actual still image from the movie showing where the Art Cel was used.   A Letter of Authenticity (LOA) from BeatleBay is also included with every piece of Yellow Submarine artwork thus guaranteeing the authenticity of the piece being purchased.     

We guarantee this artwork is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).   N/A


(click on any image to view larger)

(STILL IMAGE FROM THE MOVIE @ approx. 00:21:44 - click on image to view larger)

for a nominal charge, we can print a copy of this background to frame with their Art Cel

Item YSAC110:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of PAUL McCARTNEY from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 15.2" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains a great large image of Paul McCartney from the Nowhere Man sequence!   This is a great full figure of Paul getting ready to run!   This is a very large cel measuring almost 6" tall by nearly 3" wide.    A very cool art cel from the film!   The artwork is located just left of center on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the top edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "NWM1    SC19   38P".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  It appears just under 1" of the right edge has been trimmed;  the width measures 15.2";  it's very minor but wanted to mention it to be exact on the condition.   Overall a terrific and unique piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).    N/A


Item YSAC014:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of RINGO STARR from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  

This Art Cel is of a nice large figure of Ringo Starr from PHR sequence in the film – a part of the film where Ringo yells ‘Forward!’ and the Submarine starts to leave the Nowhere Man sequence. This is a super great and very colorful image of Ringo Starr from the inside of the submarine!

The Ringo Starr Art Cel measures exactly 8.5" tall by 5.5" wide and the artwork is located just left of center on the 12.5" by 16" celluloid sheet. The Art Cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "PHR Sc 3 R17". This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets plus no tears in the acetate sheet. Overall this Art Cel and acetate sheet are in Excellent condition at the time of this writing.

Shown below is also an actual still image from the movie showing where the Art Cel was used.   A Letter of Authenticity (LOA) from BeatleBay is also included with every piece of Yellow Submarine artwork thus guaranteeing the authenticity of the piece being purchased.   

We guarantee this artwork is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).   N/A


Item YSAC112:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of AN INDIAN AND HIS MONSTER from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The two 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheets both contains a great large image of An Indian Riding A Monster from the Sea of Monsters sequence!  The Indian is painted onto the top sheet while the Monster is painted on a separate 12.5" by 16" acetate sheet!   This is a very cool sequence in the movie where the Indian is riding into the Sea of Monsters chasing Ringo!   This is a very large cel measuring approx 6.5" tall by over 8" wide.   The artwork is located left of center on the celluloid sheet.  The art cels are both in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "S.O.M.  54.     2A" on the Indian sheet and "S.O.M.  54.     2" on the Monster sheet.   Both sheets have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  There is small bit of tape residue on the top edge and the right side edge of both sheets; very minor.  Overall a terrific and unique piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).    N/A


Item YSAC117:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of GEORGE HARRISON from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains a great large image of George Harrison dressed in his Sgt Pepper uniform with Tuba on his shoulder and he's holding the letters "GLOVE" which soon becomes simply "LOVE" from the All You Need Is Love song sequence!   This is a very large cel measuring nearly 9" tall by nearly 5.5" wide.   A very cool and highly desirable art cel from the film!   The artwork is located dead center on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "LOVE    Sc16   13g".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  Overall a terrific and unique piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).    N/A


Item YSAC114:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of PAUL McCARTNEY from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original Art Cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains a gorgeous large image of Paul McCartney as dressed up in his Sgt. Pepper uniform while playing his flute during the Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band scene in the movie!   This is a very large original Art Cel of Paul McCartney that measures 5" wide by 8.75" tall.   The artwork is located just right of center on the celluloid sheet.  We have also included a still from the exact scene this Art Cel was used in the movie!  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "P/L    Sc 31/19   P14".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets plus there is a tiny bit of tape residue along the extreme bottom edge of the sheet where it had been previously matted and framed.  Overall a terrific and cool piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).  N/A


  Item YSAC013:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of JOHN LENNON from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  

This Art Cel is of a large full figure John Lennon at the beginning of the Sea of Phrenology sequence in the film – John is with the other 3 Beatles just before Jeremy The Boob fixes the Submarine and it flies off by itself in this great scene from the movie! This is a super great image of John Lennon! Full figure images of any character, but especially any Beatle, are the most sought after and highly collectible Yellow Submarine Art Cels!

This John Lennon Art Cel measures exactly 6.5" high and the artwork is located just right side of center on the 12.5" by 16" celluloid sheet. The Art Cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this Art Cel was used in the movie: "Phren Sc11 J-11". Because this collection came directly from one of the original artists who worked on the film, this sheet does have not the usual staple holes that you normally find. There are no tears in the acetate sheet. Overall this Art Cel and acetate sheet are in Excellent condition at the time of this writing.

Shown below is also an actual still image from the movie showing where the Art Cel was used.   A Letter of Authenticity (LOA) from BeatleBay is also included with every piece of Yellow Submarine artwork thus guaranteeing the authenticity of the piece being purchased.   

We guarantee this artwork is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).   N/A


(click on any image to view larger)

(STILL IMAGE FROM THE MOVIE @ approx. 00:47:13 - click on image to view larger)

for a nominal charge, we can print a copy of this background to frame with their Art Cel

Item YSAC087:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of RINGO STARR from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains a nice image of Ringo Starr from the Hey Bulldog sequence!   Ringo is running from the bulldogs!   This cel measures over 3.75" tall by 3.5" wide.   The artwork is located just left of center on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "B-D    22   11R".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  Overall a terrific and unique piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).  N/A


  Item YSAC019:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of PAUL McCARTNEY from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  

This Art Cel is of a full figure Paul McCartney during the INF1 sequence in the film – Paul has just entered the Band Room before John hits him and George knocks them all over. It’s a nighttime scene. This is a super great image of Paul McCartney from the movie! Full figure images of any character, but especially any Beatle, are the most sought after and highly collectible Yellow Submarine Art Cels!

This Paul McCartney Art Cel measures exactly 5.5" high and the artwork is located dead center on the 12.5" by 16" celluloid sheet. The Art Cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "INF-I 19 P-16". This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets and there are noted tears in the acetate sheet. Overall, this Art Cel and acetate sheet are in Excellent condition at the time of this writing.

Shown below is also an actual still image from the movie showing where the Art Cel was used.   A Letter of Authenticity (LOA) from BeatleBay is also included with every piece of Yellow Submarine artwork thus guaranteeing the authenticity of the piece being purchased.  

We guarantee this artwork is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).   N/A


(click on any image to view larger)

(STILL IMAGE FROM THE MOVIE - click on image to view larger)

for a nominal charge, we can print a copy of this background to frame with their Art Cel

Item YSAC088:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of A BLUE MEANIE from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains a great large image of a Blue Meanie from the Hey Bulldog sequence!  The Blue Meanie is in full attack mode with both hands extended with claws out and a great grin on his face!   A very cool image!    This is a large cel measuring nearly 5" tall by 3.75" wide.   The artwork is located in the lower right corner on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "Bulldog    Sc23   13B".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  Overall a terrific and unique piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).     N/A


Item YSAC089:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of THE DREADFUL FLYING GLOVE from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains a great large image of The Flying Glove from the All You Need Is Love sequence!   This is the part in the film where the words of the song surround the glove which ultimately defeat this blue meanie!  The song being played is ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE and all the words from the song surround the Flying Glove;  the lyrics from the first line of the song are "There's Nothing You Can Do That Can't Be Done"; so the first four words are "THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN" which happen to be the 4 exact words which are surrounding the Flying Glove on this Art Cel!  How Cool Is That!!  This is a fairly large cel measuring nearly 5.5" tall by nearly 6" wide including the words.   The artwork is located dead center on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "7/LOVE II   G.15.".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  Overall a terrific and unique piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).    N/A


  Item YSAC015:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of THE FLYING GLOVE from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  

This Art Cel is of a nice example of The Flying Glove from Attack2 sequence in the film – this is at the very beginning of the film where the Flying Glove chases Admiral Fred. This Art Cel is the first image of The Flying Glove in this particular sequence.

The Flying Glove Art Cel measures exactly 2" tall by 2.75" wide and the artwork is located on the far-left side of the 12.5" by 16" celluloid sheet. The Art Cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "ATTK2 Sc 26 2-GX". This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets plus no tears in the acetate sheet. Overall, this Art Cel and acetate sheet are in Excellent condition at the time of this writing.

Shown below is also an actual still image from the movie showing where the Art Cel was used.   A Letter of Authenticity (LOA) from BeatleBay is also included with every piece of Yellow Submarine artwork thus guaranteeing the authenticity of the piece being purchased.   

We guarantee this artwork is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).   N/A


(click on any image to view larger)

Item YSAC111:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of CAPTAIN FRED from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains a great large image of Captain Fred from the Apple Bonker first attack sequence!   Captain Fred is watching Old Fred being hit by apples from the Apple Bonkers just as the anchor from the Yellow Submarine lowers down to rescue Captain Fred!  This is a very large cel measuring almost 9" tall by nearly 6" wide.  A very cool art cel from the film!   The artwork is located left of center on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the top edge with the original animator's handwritten notations on the bottom edge depicting the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "Scene 23     att 3    3F".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  Overall a terrific and unique piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).   



Item YSAC116:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of THE HEAD BLUE MEANIE from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains a great large image of The Head Blue Meanie from the second attack sequence!   This art cel depicts The Head Blue Meanie running to his left with left arm extended.   This is a very large cel measuring over 6" tall by 6" wide.   Another very unusual and very cool art cel from the film!   The artwork is located dead center on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "L-I    SCI   CM-48".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  Overall a terrific and unique piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).  N/A


Item YSAC115:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of THE HEAD BLUE MEANIE from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is a very unusual original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  This art cel features 3 full 12.5" by 16" acetate sheets containing the Head Blue Meanie while he's holding Jeremy Hillary Boob Ph.D by his bottom!   Each of the three 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains part of the great large image of The Head Blue Meaine from the last attack sequence!   We believe the animators notation "SPLOTCHING" refers to the song Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band and sequence in the movie.  This is a very large cel measuring over 11" tall by over 15" wide!    A very unusual and very cool art cel from the film!   The artwork is one of the largest art cels we've ever offered:   it takes up nearly the entire 12.5" by 16" frame.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie...  the top sheet contains the Blue Meanie's hand and is marked: "SPLOTCH    Sc10   H-8"; the large blue hand measures nearly 7" wide by 5" tall.  The middle sheet contains the Blue Meanie's face and is marked: "SPL.    Sc10   M-7"; the face measures nearly 5.5" wide by 8" tall.   The bottom sheet contains the body of both the Head Blue Meanie and The Boob and is marked: "SPLOTCHING    Sc10   B-8"; the large Blue Meanie's body measures over 15" wide by over 8" tall.  The Boob measures over 6" wide by 3.5" tall.   All 3 sheets do have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  Overall a terrific and a very, very unique piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine! Certainly one that you won't see again anytime soon!!

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).   N/A


Item YSAC113:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of JOHN LENNON, PAUL McCARTNEY and RINGO STARR from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains a great large image of John Lennon, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr from the Apple Bonker sequence!   John is getting ready to hit one of the Apple Bonkers on the head with the large green apple in his hands!   John is sitting on Paul's shoulders who is sitting on Ringo's shoulders, who is sitting on George's shoulders in the film(but not shown).   There are 3 Beatles in this scene!   This is a very large cel measuring over 15" long by 5" wide at the bottom.   John Lennon is easily 12" tall.   The width of the cel through the middle section varies around 3" wide.  A very unusual and very cool art cel from the film!   The artwork is located dead center on the bottom edge moving to the right side along the top edge on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "INF2    Sc28   11B".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  There is one tiny tear on the clear acetate sheet:  it starts at the center peg hole at the bottom edge and extends downward about .4" inch to the bottom edge;  it's very minor but wanted to mention it to be exact on the condition.   Overall a terrific and unique piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).   N/A


Item YSAC114:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of JOHN LENNON and RINGO STARR from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains an image of John Lennon being carried by Ringo Starr as they are being chased by Blue Meanies!!   There are 2 Beatles in this sequence where Ringo is running while carrying John.   This cel measures approx 4.5" tall by 3.25" wide.  The artwork is located dead center on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with vivid colors and no paint loss at all. There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "INF/2    Sc/23   14R".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets.  There are no tears in the sheet. Overall the art cel and sheet are in Excellent condition.   Overall a terrific and very colorful piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine!   

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA). N/A


Item YSAC121:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of JOHN LENNON and RINGO STARR from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains a great large image of John Lennon and Ringo Starr with John having his arm around Ringo!   The cel was used in the Ringo's House sequence right after Frankenstein turns into John Lennon!   The cel itself is unusually large, measuring over 7" tall by over 10" wide.  You normally don't find full figure art cels this large and gorgeous!!   The artwork is located dead center on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in excellent condition.  There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "RH    Sc16   49J".   This sheet does not have the usual staple holes that you normally find on these sheets;  that's most likely because it was the only cel included in the original matting which came with this art cel.   The original matting was falling apart because of the age;  we were able to salvage the original metallic seal which will be included with this lot.   The studio normally placed 2 or more figures together in a frame then stapled the cels together.   Since this image was so large, there was no need to include additional characters with it.   Overall a terrific piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine! 

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).  N/A


Item YSAC122:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of JEREMY HILLARY BOOB Ph D. from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains a nice image of the character called The Boob!   The cel itself measures approx. 3.5" tall by 4" wide.  The artwork is located just  right of the center section of the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in excellent condition.  There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "Phren     Sc11    B-V3".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes in each corner with some small tears along with the bottom right corner tip torn away.  Overall a terrific piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine! 

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).  N/A


Item YSAC123:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of JOHN LENNON from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art cel from the 1968 major motion picture.  The 12.5" by 16" clear acetate celluloid sheet contains a great large image of John Lennon dressed up in his Sgt Pepper uniform!   The cel itself is unusually large, measuring 8.5" tall by nearly 3.5" wide.  You normally don't find full figure art cels this large and gorgeous!!   The artwork is located just left of the center section on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in excellent condition.  There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "INF2    SC1   73J".   This sheet does have the usual staple holes with some small tears in each corner.  Overall a terrific piece of original artwork from Yellow Submarine! 

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).  N/A


Item YSAC124:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of THE YELLOW SUBMARINE and THE WHALE from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered are 2 original Art Cels from the 1968 major motion picture.  There are two 12.5" tall by 14.5" wide clear acetate celluloid sheets stapled together each containing one original hand-painted Art Cel:  the top sheet contains a beautiful hand painted image of The Yellow Submarine.   As you may or may not know: hand-painted Submarines are one of the most difficult Art Cels to locate as most submarines used in the movie were actually Letra-Set Decals!   Because the submarine was used is so many different scenes in the movie, instead of hand painting the submarine each time, and to save time, King Features contracted with Letra-Set of London to supply the studio with decal sheets of the Yellow Submarine in nearly every possible angle.   So to find an actual hand painted submarine these days is quite a feat!   The submarine art cel itself is a nice size, measuring approx 3.5" wide by almost 2" tall.  The submarine artwork is located just left of center in the celluloid sheet.  The Art Cel itself is in Excellent condition.  There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "SOM    8     S 11"; the SOM notation translates to the Sea of Monsters sequence.  This sheet does have the usual staple holes in the corners and is still stapled to the Whale art cel in the bottom left corner.  In fact, both of these Art Cels were purchased together in 1970 from the original owner!   They have since lost the original Certificate of Authenticity but BeatleBay will include a color xerox copy of that original COA.  BeatleBay will also include their Letter of Authenticity (LOA) too.  Overall this is a terrific piece of original artwork from the movie The Yellow Submarine!    We have photocopied an original Sea Of Monsters Scene 8 original background piece to use as a display behind both of these Art Cels as both Art Cels are from the same sequence in the movie!   On the bottom edge of the photocopied background, one can see the SOM notation and Scene 8 notations!   This is the perfect background to display both of these Art Cels!  

The second Art Cel included is of The Whale which measures just under 5" wide by 3" tall.   Both the Whale and the Yellow Submarine display Excellently together in this great Art Cel setup!   The Whale artwork is located in the center section of the celluloid sheet.  The Art Cel itself is in Excellent condition.  There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "SOM    Sc8     9U"; the SOM notation translates to the Sea of Monsters sequence, Scene 8.  This sheet does have the usual staple holes in the corners and the bottom left corner is still stapled to the top acetate sheet.

We guarantee both these art cels are completely hand-inked and  were hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA) as pictured below.  N/A


Item YSAC132:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cel of ALL 4 BEATLES from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is a set of all 4 Beatles, original art cels from the 1968 major motion picture.  Each clear acetate celluloid sheet measures approximately 12.5" by 16" and contains one Beatle per sheet!   There are 4 separate sheets in this lot, with each sheet containing 1 Beatle.  Together, they form a terrific scene as none of the images overlap and actually they fit together extremely well.   Three of the art cels are from the same sequence/scene in the movie:  Ringo, Paul and George are each marked NWM -  Sc7 which stands for Nowhere Man Sequence,  Scene 7.   The John sheet is marked differently, but fits perfectly with the other 3 Beatles!    To find all 4 Beatles in one frame is quite a feat and makes for a perfect display piece!  

The Ringo cel itself measures approx. 5.25" tall by 2.5" wide and is located on the far left side on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with no paint loss, nor any black ink loss.  The colors are still extremely bright and vivid as new!  There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "NWM  Sc7   6R".  This artwork came directly from one of the original animators at TVC London!    

The George cel measures approx. 4.75" tall by 2" wide and is located just left of center on the celluloid sheet.   The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with no paint loss, nor any black ink loss.  The colors are still extremely bright and vivid as new!  There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "NWM  Sc7   Q32".

The Paul cel itself measures just over 5" tall by 3.5" wide and is located just right of center on the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with no paint loss, nor any black ink loss.  The colors are still extremely bright and vivid as new!  There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "NWM  Sc7   27P".

The John cel itself measures approx. 6" tall by 2" wide and is located on the far right side on the celluloid sheet.  The artwork is located in the center section of the celluloid sheet.  The art cel itself is in Excellent condition with no paint loss, nor any black ink loss.  The colors are still extremely bright and vivid as new!  There are the usual peg holes along the bottom edge with the original animator's handwritten notations of the exact scene and sequence this art cel was used in the movie: "Phren   Sc11   J-5".

The artwork comes in one of the original cardboard mats from 1968 with most of the original shrinkwrap intact, even though one end has been torn open and there are several tears in the shrinkwrap on the backside.   Also included is an original Certificate of Authenticity (COA) that originally came with the artwork from the TVC London Studios!   The COA is printed on parchment type paper and contains a gold seal sticker!

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA).N/A


Item YSAC133:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Hand-Painted Watercolor Psychedelic Production Background from THE SEA OF MONSTERS from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an original art animation hand-painted production background from the 1968 major motion picture!    Original watercolor backgrounds are as rare as hens teeth!  The original production background pieces typically weren't saved like the art cels were,  plus there were dozens/hundreds of cels produced for every background created for the movie... they are that rare!!!   This background is no exception and is a terrific psychedelic original example of hand-painted one-of-a-kind artwork from the movie we all love!!   

This piece came directly from Al Brodax and it’s a really cool hand-painted production background from The Sea of Monsters sequence!  In the movie this background is utilized where the yellow submarine stops in the middle of the screen, and a bunch of funny items pop in-and-out of the submarine during this scene.  You can easily locate this background in the scene because there's a section that looks like a 'Red Fish Hook' on the right side of the background sheet... if you stand back you'll see where we mean... this is the area where the camera focuses it's attention during the 10 second stretch in the movie this background was used.   The background measures approximately 17” wide by 12.5” high and has peg holes attached at the top edge with cloth tape;  The background is marked “MONS” and “SC 8” handwritten in white pencil which stands for the Sea of Monsters, Scene 8.    This scene appears approximately 37min 45sec into the film and this background was used for about 10 seconds in the film.   The submarine cels that originally were used on top of this background were quite varied and we’ve seen several of them over the years.  See below for 3 actual stills from the movie.   If you have one of these submarine cels that was originally used with this background, then by adding this background you'd have what is called a Master Key-sequence cel/background Setup!! A Master Key Setup is when an original production background is matted with an original art cel from the same sequence in the film;  they are quite rare and highly sought after by collectors!  

The background is in Very Good+ to Excellent condition.  Just right of center in the piece, there is a small circular blemish about 3mm in diameter… it’s been painted over by the original artists, but when we checked the scene in the movie where this background is used, you can actually see the blemish in the film!!  So it’s 100% proof positive this piece was used in the final production of The Sea of Monsters Sequence # 8!   If you look at the last screen shot we've added below, you can actually see this 3mm blemish on camera... it's right below the submarine's bottom hatch!!

We will also include an original Letraset Yellow Sub decal art cel with the sale of this item!   The Letraset cel is 2.25" long and on it's own 12.5" x 16" clear acetate sheet...  Keep in mind that the value of this lot is the handpainted watercolor background!!  Not in the Letraset Yellow Submarine art cel!!!   The submarine is not a hand painted art cel, it's a decal that was used by King Features studio at the time so they wouldn't have to keep repainting the same submarine in the same pose every time a submarine was needed in the film.   So they had these sheets of Letraset Decals made up to use in the film.   It's still a production used art cel and it's still Very Cool BUT it's not a hand painted art cel.

Below are 3 still shot photos from the actual movie showing this background as it was used in the production of the film.  As you can see, the action centers around the right center area of the background, right near that 'red colored hook'...

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA) as is shown below.  N/A


Item YSAC134: The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Cels of ALL 4 BEATLES from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is a tremendous opportunity to purchase one of the nicest set of art cels we’ve ever offered for sale:  All 4 Beatles in a Key Setup from the 1968 full length motion picture The Beatles Yellow Submarine!   This lot consists of 4 separate acetate sheets and each sheet contains one Beatle art cel from the Nowhere Man sequence in the movie.  All 4 Beatles are from the same sequence in the movie;  this is considered a key setup from the movie and is quite rare to find multiple cels used together.   The Paul cel measures approx 7.25” high by 2.75” wide;  the John cel measures approx 4” high by 2.25” wide;  the George cel measures approx 4” by 2.75” wide;  and the Ringo cel measures approx 5.5” high by 2.25” wide.   Each acetate sheet has been cut down slightly from their original 12.5” x 16” sizes because they were all taped together to be filmed as one.   The sheet sizes are as follows:  the Paul sheet measures approx 14.25” by 11”,  the John sheet measures approx 13.75” x 11”,  the George sheet measures approx 13.5” x 11”, and the Ringo sheet measures approx 13.5” by 10.25”.   Paul’s sheet still has the peg holes along the bottom edge along with the animators’ scene notation “NW1  Sc7 8P” which stands for the Nowhere Man Sequence 1, Scene 7.  The sheets have been cut down slightly , most likely to fit over the background they were being filmed with.   It’s not at all uncommon to find.   They were originally all taped together for the filming process, as you can still see the tape residue along the edges of each sheet.  This is exactly how they came out of the studio.  This lot was originally sold at Christies auction in London in the 1990s.  Overall each art cel itself is in Excellent condition.   The edges of the acetate sheets have tape residue, small tears, some uneven cut edges, a small circular tear on the center bottom edge of Ringo's cel, but these cels were used to make a major motion picture for The Beatles!! You’ve got to expect some rough edges as these were physically used to film the movie from.  We get numerous requests for original artwork from Yellow Submarine, but nothing is more requested than all 4 Beatles themselves!  Here is your chance to purchase one of the Holy Grails of vintage 1968 Yellow Submarine artwork:  all 4 Beatles in a gorgeous, beautifully colored, striking pose!!   We guarantee these items are 100% authentic hand painted artwork from the 1968 motion picture as are all the pieces from this collection, and this item will be accompanied with a Letter Of Authenticity (LOA) from BeatleBay.  N/A


Item YSAC152:  A Very Rare Instructional Model Sheet Cel of THE YELLOW SUBMARINE from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is one of the true rarities of vintage Yellow Submarine artwork collecting:  a full sized, 12.5” by 16”, Pre-Production Instructional Model Sheet Art Cel of The Yellow Submarine!   This is a very rare “instructional model sheet" art cel which was used by the animation team at TVC in London England 1968, during the creation process of the film itself.  This cel would have been created upfront before any of the submarine cels were drawn or painted, most likely by Heinz Edelmann himself.  Each member of the animation team would have referred to this special one-of-a-kind model sheet art cel, which shows the exact dimensions of the sub and which colors to paint each part of the sub.  Instructional cels such as this are extremely rare and hardly ever surface for sale.  The submarine itself measures 9.5” long by 5.5” tall.   The acetate sheet is standard sized 12.5” by 16” and has a plain white sheet stapled to the backside of the artwork.   The condition of the art cel is Excellent.  This lot was originally sold at Christies in London and was featured on the auction catalog’s cover at the time.   Here is your chance to own one of the rarest Beatles Yellow Submarine art cels in existence today!  We guarantee these items are 100% authentic hand painted artwork from the 1968 motion picture as are all the pieces from this collection, and this item will be accompanied with a Letter Of Authenticity (LOA) from BeatleBay.  N/A

Item YSAC153:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation from "WHEN I'M 64" from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is a very unique original piece of artwork from the 1968 major motion picture The Beatles Yellow Submarine!!!  This setup is from the "When I'm Sixty Four" song sequence in the film, where they say start counting off, one number at a time, from 1 to 64.  Each number was painted into a design or figure.  These are the 1st three numbers that were used in the 11, 12 and 13 sequence.   They are not created on celluloid, they are each hand drawn and hand colored onto thin cardboard and then glued onto a larger cardboard sheet which measures overall approx 12" by 14.5" wide!  Completely original and unique!!!  Each 1, 2, 3 cutout measures approx. 7" tall. Each item is in excellent condition.  We guarantee the items are 100% authentic hand painted artwork from the 1968 motion picture as are all the pieces from this collection.    N/A

Art Animation from 1999...
Hand-Painted Limited Edition and Serial-Cels

PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork from this section was made in 1999 when King Features Subfilms Limited decided to re-create some of the original artwork from 1968 and re-introduce the public to this great artwork to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of the original major motion picture The Beatles Yellow Submarine!  All artwork is guaranteed to be 100% authentic as authorized by The Beatles!  ENJOY!!!

Each piece of artwork in this section is described in detail in the following brochure...

  Item YSAC5001:  Official BEATLES SERICEL Art Animation of "THE FOUR BEATLES with THE BOOB" from 1999 !!  Offered is an original Sericel number YS07-"The Sea of Holes" as issued in 1999 and fully licensed by King Features Subafilms Limited.  It was originally issued in 1999 for $325 USD as shown in the large brochure above.   This Sericel features all 4 Beatles and Jeremy Hilary Boob PhD. lost in the Sea of Holes.  The artwork has been professionally framed and triple matted and measures 19.5" x 22.5".  This is a beautiful piece of artwork that would look great in anyone's den or office!   It's ready to hang on your wall!   Even though it doesn't show in our pictures, this Sericel Art Cel is marked along the bottom edge: "© 1999 Subafilms Ltd.  A Yellow Submarine™ Product.  ™Trademark of Subafilms Ltd  ©1968 Authorized BEATLES Merchandise";  we did open the backside to ensure this Artwork has the correct markings and it does!   We guarantee this 1999 Beatles Sericel Art Cel is 100% authentic as described and will be accompanied with a Letter of Authenticity (LOA) from BeatleBay.   The piece also comes with it's original LOA from an Art Gallery in Miami Beach, Florida.    SOLD



  Item YSAC5002:  An Official BEATLES Sericel Art Cel Animation of "THE YELLOW SUBMARINE" from 1999 !!  Offered is an original Sericel number YS03-"The Yellow Submarine" as issued in 1999 and fully licensed by King Features Subafilms Limited.   This Sericel features an enormous Yellow Submarine measuring a huge 21" long by 11" tall on a background of blue fading to white.  It was originally issued in 1999 for $525 USD as shown in the large brochure above.  The artwork has been professionally matted and measures 18" x 30".  This is a beautiful piece of artwork that would look great in anyone's den or office!   It's ready for you to pick out a new frame and to hang on your wall!   There are a quite a few dings on the existing black frame so we won't be shipping it with the frame, only with the black cloth matting, which is quite nice.  Even though it doesn't show in our pictures, this Sericel Art Cel is marked along the bottom edge: "© 1999 Subafilms Ltd.  A Yellow Submarine™ Product.  ™Trademark of Subafilms Ltd  ©1968 Authorized BEATLES Merchandise".   We guarantee this 1999 Beatles Sericel is 100% authentic as described and will be accompanied with a Letter of Authenticity (LOA) from BeatleBay.  SALES PRICE $495.


Original 1968 Art Animation Production Backgrounds

Item YSACB001:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Hand-Painted Watercolor Production Background of the PEPPERLAND BAND including 3 key sequence Cels from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is an incredible "One-Of-A-Kind" TRUE GEM!!!   This is an original hand painted production watercolor background from the 1968 major motion picture, The Beatles Yellow Submarine!!!  Included are 3 key sequence art cels that were filmed with this exact production background!  They are the 7" tall Lord Mayor holding his viola and 2 8" tall each Pepperland Musicians with their violins!!  The background itself measures approximately 15" by 32" and is a combination of thin cardboard overlays, all hand painted!!!    It has been triple matted and framed as shown below and is ready for your home or office.  Overall size framed is 18" by 33".   Simply Incredible!!! They don't get any better than this!!!  We guarantee this item is a  100% authentic hand-painted production background from the 1968 motion picture.



  Item YSAC001:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation  HAND-PAINTED PRODUCTION BACKGROUND  from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  

This hand-painted background was the first background piece used in the film and the piece is marked as such in the bottom left corner: there is a ‘1’ inside a circle identifying this background from Scene 1 of the movie. We believe there were 5 or 6 background pieces used for the opening sequence of the film. We have 2 of the 6 pieces in this current collection. For the production filming each background piece was filmed then each one melded into the next background piece and so on. Original hand-painted Production Backgrounds from this movie are extremely difficult to find as most of them were either tossed away or went home with the original artist who painted the piece back in 1968. Original backgrounds can vary greatly in size and type. This particular one measures approx. 12.5” by 16”. It is painted onto a heavy type construction type paper and has peg holes along the bottom edge. Some backgrounds for the film were double wide or 12.5” by 32”. Some backgrounds were created using only colored pencils while others were created using a mix of pencil and paint. This piece is completely hand-painted. Being the very first background piece used in the film, this is an extremely rare and desirable Production Background painting!

This psychedelic painting was painted using a multitude of colors. This hand-painted Production Background still exhibits vivid colors and no paint loss. This piece is immediately recognizable when watching the first scene in the movie. Overall this hand-painted Production Background in Excellent condition at the time of this writing.    

Shown below are 2 actual still images from the movie showing where the Background was used.   A Letter of Authenticity (LOA) from BeatleBay is also included with every piece of Yellow Submarine artwork thus guaranteeing the authenticity of the piece being purchased.

We guarantee this art cel is completely hand-inked and  hand-painted in London England from November 1967 through July 1968 by TVC (TV Cartoons) for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture premičred July 16, 1968 at the London Pavilion in Piccadilly Circus London England.  All of the Beatles were present during the opening premiere of the movie.   It showed to rave reviews even though the actual Beatles had little to do with the production of the film.  The Fab Four  would stop by the TVC studio in London from time to time to see how production was progressing, but didn't participate on the day to day production of the film.  The Beatles voices were originally to be used but because of time constraints, they used others with similar voices.  However at the end of the actual film, The Beatles themselves are actually shown live, talking and joking for about a minute before John Lennon counts off "one, two, three, four" and the movie ends with The Beatles song "All Together Now"!!!

These art animation cels, drawings and production backgrounds have proven to be a top notch blue chip investment over the years.  Each piece is truly one of a kind artwork from a by-gone era where movement in cartoons was created by filming 16 hand-painted cartoons per second.  Today this is achieved using computers and CGI.   Luckily the artwork from this animated feature film was saved by Beatles fans like you and I back in the day!    This one-of-a-kind artwork will be accompanied with BeatleBay's Letter of Authenticity (LOA). N/A

(click on any image to view larger)


(STILL IMAGES FROM THE MOVIE @ approx. 00:00:01 - click on either image to view larger)

Item YSACB005:  The Beatles 1968 original Art Animation Hand-Painted Watercolor Production Background of Meanieland including 6 Key Sequence Cels from the 1968 The Beatles Yellow Submarine motion picture!!!  Offered is another ultra rarity- this is an original hand painted watercolor production background of Meanieland including 6 key cels from the 1968 major motion picture!!    This is a completely hand-painted watercolor production background!!  Production Backgrounds from the movie Yellow Submarine are extremely rare to find, especially when they include the art cels that were used with them in the movie!!!  That makes this item beyond Rare!!!  Truly, an Ultra Rarity and one that rarely surfaces for sale to the general public!!! Now is your chance to add this incredible piece of original Yellow Submarine artwork to your collection!!!   The exact scene in the movie is "Attack 1, Scene 10, Background # 9.  You will see the original Production Background Watercolor has the original animator's peg holes at the bottom and the piece is marked "ATTACK I   SC 10  B/9" at the very bottom edge of the piece!!!  Also the 6 original production art cels are marked on the bottom edges too, many of them have "ATT I" for the Attack 1 sequence;  "Sc10" or "Scene10" for Scene 10!!!  It's nearly an impossible feat today to find any original art cels and their matching production background together!!!  

    This original hand painted watercolor production background and 6 hand painted key sequence cels were used twice in the movie, both within 18 seconds of each other!!!   This scene is when The Blue Meanies First Attacked Pepperland at the beginning of the film!  The first scene that this artwork is used appears at approx. 2 minutes and 45 seconds into the film...  after the Head Blue Meanie gathered all his troupes together, he yells out "ANTI-MUSIC MISSILE...FIRE!!!", which prompts a Mini Blue Meanie to pull the lever thus firing the Anti-Music Missile (a large purple and blue colored globe) towards Pepperland.   The globe shoots through the sky and lands directly on Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (alias "The Beatles") who are playing on the bandstand!!!  Sgt Pepper's Band are trapped at that point in the movie inside the globe!!!  We have included a short clip from the film which shows both scenes where this artwork was used. 

    The first scene this background is used is at 2:45 into the film and utilizes 3 of the key cels on the production background...the blue hole where the globe shoots out of is first covered up by the large stone stalagmite and is surrounded by 2 large thorned bushes!!  The Head Blue Meanie is counting his troupes and he yells out "Anti Music Missile", which prompts a Blue Meanie to pull the lever for the first time and the stalagmite and one thorned bush move left while the larger thorned bush moves right;  thus revealing the blue hole for the first time!  This blue hole is where the large blue & purple colored globe, i.e. the "Anti-Music Missile" is fired out of.   The Head Blue Meanie then shouts out "The Dreadful Flying Glove" and The Flying Glove then makes a circle around the blue hole on this production background then exits.  The second scene this background is used is at 3:03 into the film where The Head Blue Meanie now yells out "Splendid, Today Pepperland Goes Blue-ie... FIRE!", then the Blue Meanie on the right side pulls the lever again and the purple and blue colored globe (anti music missile) shoots out of the hole aimed directly at Sgt Peppers Band in Pepperland!!!   This starts the first attack on Pepperland!!!

     The hand-painted watercolor production background itself measures approximately 12" by 20"; the background is in Excellent condition except the right edge has a slight fold and a small edge tear.  Each of the cels are on uncut acetate sheets which measure approx 12.5" by 16".  Overall everything is in Very Good to Excellent condition.  Some of the acetate sheets that the art cels are painted on have some edge damage, but these do not interfere with the art cels themselves!  These are ready to be matted & framed into one incredible display piece!!! Additional pictures available upon request.  We guarantee this item is a  100% authentic hand-painted production background from the 1968 motion picture and each art cel is a key sequence cel that was used on this background!    N/A

Item YSACB033:  An Incredible Beatles Yellow Submarine Original Art Animation Hand Painted Watercolor Background of The Sea of Monsters from the full length motion picture The Beatles Yellow Submarine!!!   This background measures approximately 74" wide by 11" high.  That's right!! It's over 6 feet wide!!!  Just the size of this item makes it very special and highly desirable!  This is an incredible piece PLUS it's has 3 Blue Meanie Monsters painted right into the background!!!  Very, very rare!!! This background is made up of 6 separate pieces: there is a left side and right side to this background bottom.  The left side piece measures approx 50" wide by 12.5" high and has 2 monsters painted into the background;  the right side bottom section measures approx 24" wide by 9.5" high and has one blue meanie monster painted into the background;  The first photograph below shows both of the sections together.  The very colorful blue, orange, red and purple multi-tiered platform near the left center is a separate section which was taped onto the bottom left section.  Next, is a  large 12" by 33" dark section background which was used to film this entire background scene!! As the camera filmed the bottom section and panned right across the bottom background, this 'dark background' section was placed behind the bottom sections and was filmed moving right at a slower speed than the bottom section.  So this 'dark background' section was, in effect, used to film the background matching exactly to the entire 6' bottom section of background!!!  It's very cool to find a section of original background that you can watch the entire background being used and for such a long period of time!!! This background was used for approx 40 seconds in the movie!!  That is a long time especially for a cartoon!!!  We also found that the far right bottom section of background was also used in another scene in the movie too- this 2 foot section on the right, which has a monster painted into the background, was used again later in the movie in a completely different scene!  This also gave the film a great 3-D effect.  So what we are offering is the entire background of the first Sea Of Monsters scene in the movie.  If you have the DVD of the film, this scene starts at approx 34:30 and ends at approx 35:10; this is nearly 40 seconds from the entire film- a very long time!!!    The other 2 sections included here are shown at the very beginning of this Sea of Monsters background. If you watch the film you will see these sections appear.  This is by far, one of the most elaborate backgrounds ever offered for sale!!! It is entirely hand painted.  There are many scene notations along the edges of these background sections. There are also pegholes along the edges too.  In our photos below, you will see one photo which shows each of the 6 sections apart.  The rest of the photos progressively show how the pieces were used in the film.  Please ask if you have any questions.  These are guaranteed 100% original production backgrounds actually used in the movie. Overall the sections are Very Good+ to Excellent condition.  There are some fold marks as the setions were folded for storage long ago.  There are no major condition issues with the pieces though.  The colors are still very bright and vivid with no fading!!  The photographs do not do the pieces justice as they are much more colorful, vivid and impressive in person!!!  They were hand-painted in London England in 1968 by TVC TV Cartoons for King Features Subafilms Ltd.  Overall, condition is excellent on this item!  This item will be accompanied by a BeatleBay Letter of Authenticity (LOA) guaranteeing this item is a 100% original art animation production background, hand painted in London England by TVC TV Cartoons  and used in the actual production of the 1968 United Artists  full length feature film The Beatles Yellow Submarine . N/A

The next photo shows both bottom background sections together... these are 6' wide...


next is a close-up of the left side bottom...


next is a close-up of the right side bottom...


This next section is the 'dark background' section which is 33" wide and was used behind the entire 6' section as it's entire background...

these next 2 sections were used in the very beginning of the SOM scene...


The next photo shows all 6 separate sections...

this next photo shows how the background section was filmed...

as you can see, the 'dark section' was filmed as it moved across the 6' section...

again, the 'dark section' as it moved across the bottom....

Next is where the Teacup and Teapot scene was filmed...




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